Having completed Step 1, the necessary market research, we recommend producers undertake these steps, namely:
Step 2: Attending a trade show or three is a good idea to get a sense of interest in their product/s, and to meet potential buyers, distributors and brokers. Trade shows also allow producers to look at competitive products and undertake store checks.
Step 3: Get packaging and labels changed and ready for target European markets. TradeScope offers a service to help with this, including investigating competitors’ labels and packaging.

Having completed Steps 1–3, we present producers with a number of options:
1. Manage sales from the US:
- However, this is slower in getting going
- You must use brokers and distributors
2. Use an agent to represent your brand in Europe (that's where TradeScope comes in):
- Benefit from our market knowledge
- Pay only on a commission basis
3. Hire a representative direct:
- High overheads
- If you hire direct, be sure that your representative has an excellent contact base and knowledge of your product domain
US companies
If you are a US company, look at the branded programmes available through US Government export agencies, such as WUSATA, SUSTA and Food Export USA. They offer grants for supporting export initiatives.
As you can see, there is a lot to consider before attempting to take take Europe by storm. We strongly recommend that any producer use a company like ours to guide them through what can be very tricky waters, as we will undoubtedly save you time and money. To chat about getting your food and/or beverage products/s into European markets, please contact TradeScope’s Ted Horton in the UK or Jörg Van Wershofen in Germany.