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To build your food brand sampling is key

TradeScope manages sampling programmes for a number of its clients. Though sampling makes less sense when supermarkets insist on using expensive agencies to deliver the service, there are opportunities with some retailers to use your own trained demonstrators with no fees paid to the stores involved.

Wholefood Foods Market in the UK is an example. Our photo shows one of our demonstrators sampling Wild Planet tuna at the Piccadilly store. Joanna Eames from the International Pole & Line Foundation (IPNLF) is shown visiting the stand along with TradeScope's Ted Horton. The IPNLF is an organisation that works to promote socially and environmentally responsible pole-and-line and handline tuna fisheries around the world. As the largest 100% pole-and-line brand in the world, Wild Planet is a key member.

Wild Planet's sales have grown exponentially in the UK and sampling has been a integral part of their sales campaign. We have just added the major Aldi supermarket chain to their UK stable of stores, so Wild Planet’s Albacore tuna is now available in Aldi stores nationwide.

If you'd like to discuss how sampling can work for you, contact Ted Horton here and he'll give you the lowdown.

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