Tradescope's job is to connect you with the best European buyers for your products because we have the contacts and skills to establish substantive sales in Europe quickly. Actually, that’s our whole raison d’être.
Talking of raisins, we don’t just hear it through the grapevine – we are the grapevine. Our extensive network of contacts enables us to help you achieve mutually agreed objectives. And we usually bring home the gravy, as our track record shows. To tell the truth, we’ll happily help you export your gravy, so you don’t miss the boat.
We’ve developed our extensive database of European buyers because we network tirelessly in the industry – attending, for instance, more than 25 European trade shows a year (270 so far and counting).
We can even arrange trips for European buyers to meet with you, whether you’re an individual producer or a trade organisation in your home country (to date, we’ve completed 32 trips to the U.S. alone).
Depending on your specific requirements, we can bring some or all of our services to bear on your behalf, it’s just a matter of deciding which of our particular ingredients are needed to create the perfect recipe for your success. You can check them out below, but it would be easier and quicker for you to let us do the work – just contact Ted Horton for a free consultation.