TradeScope client, Wild Planet Foods, is 100% committed to producing the healthiest, tastiest and most sustainably caught tuna available in cans. Wild Planet pursues this aim by meeting these sustainability criteria:
The BIOMASS of fish is healthy and not overfished
The HABITAT is not damaged by the fishing method
The CATCH METHOD is free from excessive by-catch of juvenile fish and other non-targeted species
Albacore and Skipjack Tuna
Wild Planet sources albacore and skipjack tuna only from pole and troll fisheries. Numerous fleets around the world use this artisanal small-scale method and deserve our support. This catch method is considered a BEST CHOICE in harvest technique by a consensus of international environmental organisations studying this issue.
They expand sourcing as needed from other pole and troll fisheries, all of which are nearly by-catch free and are not overfished. NO PURSE SEINE OR LONG-LINE CAUGHT TUNA is used in the Wild Planet product line. (Source: See more info on albacore tuna and skipjack tuna at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch®)
All purchases made of tuna products are documented by dolphin safe and certificate of origin certificates which include:
Vessel name and license
Captain name and license
Country vessel registration
Harvest method
Area of Capture
Trip dates of capture
Dolphin safe declaration
With over 70 percent of the earth’s surface covered by water, it goes without saying that this is truly an ocean planet. Thus, as the oceans go so goes the planet and our oceans are not doing very well. Almost 90 percent of all fish stocks are either fully exploited or overexploited as noted in the following 2012 United Nations FAO report:
“The declining global marine catch over the last few years together with the increased percentage of overexploited fish stocks and the decreased proportion of non-fully exploited species around the world convey the strong message that the state of world marine fisheries is worsening and has had a negative impact on fishery production. Overexploitation not only causes negative ecological consequences, but it also reduces fish production, which further leads to negative social and economic consequences: (page 12).
What this report is saying, in effect, is that the oceans cannot hold up under the increased harvesting efforts from larger numbers of participants who have greater harvest capacity (especially those using FADs). Most importantly, destructive techniques must be eliminated. Harvesting the ocean’s resources is a privilege that must rightly be given only to those who practice selective, sustainable harvest methods.
It was not for nothing that Wild Planet was granted No. 1 for Sustainability by Greenpeace. Wild Planet's products are available in Ocado, Whole Foods Market stores, Planet Organic stores and many independent stores throughout the UK.
For more info about Wild Planet in the UK, contact Ted Horton here.