Time and again, TradeScope has found that taking European buyers to good ingredient shows in the US always yields a solid return on their investment.

In one instance, we recruited 6 European buyers to visit the Seafood Expo in Boston as part a Western United States Agricultural Trade Association (WUSATA®) programme. The buyers were very impressed with the show. While considerably smaller than its Brussels counterpart, it was well organised and covered the US seafood industry well.
One of the group, a Bulgarian buyer, bought a container of US salmon a mere one month after the visit. Proof positive that his investment in time, travel and expenditure was more than worthwhile – and proof also that a well-run, well-represented trade show is one of the best, and probably easiest, places to make contact with the right buyers and suppliers.
If you'd like advice on the best North American trade show for your buying purposes, or the best European trade shows at which to display your food and beverages (packaged or ingredients), give TradeScope a call. Contact Ted Horton to get your show on the road, or to get on the road to the best roadshow for you.